LOOKING to adapt your business for the better by going green? The CFA’s Guide to Sustainability, recently launched in June is your answer, a new guide for businesses to be inspired to ‘go green’.
Compared to last year’s guide, the new edition provides brand new case studies of companies adapting their methodology and business plans to cater towards eco-friendly practises. In the guide Richard Catt, ceo of the CFA introduces the publication with his back-to-basics introduction, addressing the publication is ‘going back to its roots’ in terms of offering guidance to readers so they can apply to improve their sustainability activity.
He explains that there are three pillars to view flooring sustainability, the first being the inspiration to move forwards towards achieving net zero targets. This involves encouraging businesses to evolve to improve their carbon footprint.
The second of which, is the development of products and how they can be adapted towards the circular economy. It needs working on across the industry, from the supply chain through to the government and legislations.
The third one is legacy material which is the proactive development of implementing EPR while moving towards a greener economy before the government tells the industry what to do.
For all these purposes, the guide is a comprehensive tool that gives business owners and their employees a chance to adapt for the ‘greener good’. Check out the full guide on the CFA and CFJ websites.