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HomeArturoWhat impact does flooring have when designing a room or space

What impact does flooring have when designing a room or space

The floor plays a key role in a space and is often used as the foundation for interior design of a home or commercial space.  The colour of the floor determines the atmosphere and ambiance as colours can make a space very personal or neutral and business-like. Dark, subdued floors makes a space feel cosier and gives a room a warm, secure atmosphere. Lighter coloured floors create an open and calmer vibe. Coloured walls and furnishings can then be used to compliment and provide extra character.

Colour and appearance are not the only criteria in design. A floor is integral to how a space operates so must also be practical and long lasting. Certain spaces will require the floor to be more durable than others, for example, office floors need to provide good scratch-resistance against chair castors.  Depending on the location a floor may need to be compatible with underfloor heating, impervious to liquids or be slip resistant. A floor also needs be easy to clean and maintain. Resin floors are extremely versatile and suitable for any location or use. Not only do arturo floors meet all these practicalities but are available in a range of colours and design options.

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