We all know the challenges – and potential pitfalls – of working on a project which is inadequately heated. Floor layers cannot do their best work and floor coverings, adhesives and subfloor materials may not perform properly if temperatures fall below certain norms. This is not only recognised as best practice but detailed in British Standards and section 2 of the (NEW 2022 edition) CFA Guide to Contract Flooring. See www.cfa.org.uk downloads.
It is also the case that floors should generally be laid as one of the last steps, if not the last step, in a project – that is to say after all other trades have finished and elements such as a heating system (particularly if underfloor) has been installed and commissioned. If this is not the case, it is usually because the project schedules have not been properly adhered to and floors are being laid when other work is ongoing, which is not ideal and can lead to problems and even failures.
The CFA Winter Warning campaign aims to tackle these issues with a range of materials which will be made available to members – as a special member benefit – over the coming weeks. Members will receive a special card that indicates if site conditions are satisfactory – further details of other support being developed will be revealed in due course – watch this space – and in the meantime keep warm!
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