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COBA Flooring on social media

linkedin: COBAFlooring
LinkedIn allows us to connect with professionals in the construction sector as well as build our online presence. Regular hashtags include #ContractFlooring, #Architecture and #InteriorDesign to encourage audience members who search for these hashtags to visit our company page.
We also have a little About section where those in the construction sector can find more about our company and that we specialise in Entrance Matting and Floor Coverings.

Facebook is another important channel that we use to promote our products and events at COBA Flooring.

We find that it’s one of the best ways to connect with the contract flooring industry on a personal level. It also means that we can keep everyone up to date with the brand and other industry developments.

Connect with us on Facebook to share your installation photos!

Twitter: @COBAFlooring
Twitter provides us with a fantastic platform to promote our flooring products as well as other resources that are available on our website. This month, we promoted our popular Studded Tile product. To help the brand stand out more, we posted behind the scenes photos of our people and processes to offer customers an insight into the way we work!

As well as promoting products, Twitter lets us follow industry trends and hashtags. It also allows us to engage with our followers to gain insights into the type of content they like the most. For future important announcements such as new video content or products guides, be sure to follow us on Twitter.

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