Contract Flooring Journal (CFJ) the latest news for flooring contractors

EGGER: Time for more trees please

A HOUSE of Commons committee report, published in 2023, stated that woodland cover would need to be significantly expanded in the UK in order...

EGGER Group closes financial year with €4.13bn turnover in challenging times

THE turbulent overall economic environment has also been challenging for international wood-based material manufacturer, Egger....

EGGER at The Flooring Show (Stand B47)

EGGER is delighted to showcase its PRO Flooring Collection 2021+ at The Flooring Show on...

EGGER on social media

Keep updated with news and products from EGGER by following its social media channels. All...

Worktops that offer you more

News from Egger... Traditionally worktops were only found in the kitchen, but due to innovation, design...

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