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Sailmaker René van Rijn went to his doctor with chronic knee complaints. He was referred to Geert Kaal, physiotherapist and specialized in both knee and back complaints. After being treated, the sailmaker Rene returned back to Geert several months later with the same issues. Both men then started to wonder whether there was an alternative solution that could resolve the problems for good. They discovered that the knee protectors available on the market were not ergonomic, causing the problems to persist. Their discovery soon set the ball rolling and the sail maker and physiotherapist joined forces to develop ergonomic knee protectors together… FENTO was born! Two decades later, FENTO knee protectors are now preventing and resolving knee and back problems worldwide. FENTO Knee Protection is one of the few market players that completely specialises in ergonomic knee protection. The focus is on people whose jobs often involve working on their knees. This includes such professions as floorers, tilers, bricklayers, landscapers, installers, electricians and roofers. Where most knee protectors place all of the pressure on the knee, FENTO knee protectors have a unique way of distributing the pressure across the whole of the lower leg. This prevents knee and back problems.


The FD Gazellen Award is the most prestigious independent entrepreneur award in the Netherlands. When you are named FD Gazelle, it means you are...


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