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Genesis on social media

FACEBOOK: @GenesisAPSInternational
Our Facebook page is where you will find out the latest news and communications before anyone else. Whether it be new product launces or case studies; it is the place to find out everything Genesis before anyone else.

Our page is aimed at contractors and designers in the ceramic and flooring markets so is a place to showcase our trims, movement joints, nosings and much more. We also use our page to highlight and share the latest industry news and projects using our profiles.
1,412 Page Likes and 1,940 Followers

INSTAGRAM: @genesisglobalsystems
Instagram is the perfect visual platform for us to showcase our products and projects.

Our range is picture perfect so why not share it with our followers and in turn showcase some of their fantastic work. Keep up to date with new product launches and offers as well as seeing classic products in a new light with fantastic imagery and videos, including regular features such as our Friday showcase which is an opportunity for us to share how you’re using our products.
655 Posts 2,601 Followers

Twitter: @GenesisAPS
Twitter is an important tool for Genesis to share short and sweet updates with the industry and our customers.

For brief and easy to follow updates on what is happening at Genesis with our products and services as well as news and events Twitter is the platform to follow, and a fantastic opportunity to further engagement with our community online.
2,060 Tweets 1,198 Followers

tiktok: @GenesisGlobalSystems
TikTok is the latest edition to our Social Media stable and another way for us to showcase our exciting expanding range of products.

A new entertaining way for us to demonstrate our range and to showcase the incredible work our customers are doing with Genesis products. The short videos on the platform are a fantastic insight into how we help you achieve the perfect finish.

linkedin: @GenesisGlobalSystemsLimited
Genesis prides itself on being more than just a collection of products for the Floor-covering industry, the fully integrated range of finishing solutions from Genesis is the direct result of years of interaction with the construction industry from specifier to end user. Designed and developed to solve a host of finishing problems encountered by specifiers, contractors and developers.
LinkedIn is the platform for collaborating and connecting with fellow industry professionals, link with us today to see how we can support each other.

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