THE historic Bath Abbey has undergone extensive repair and conservation work along with the addition of new facilities. With its Footprint project, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios sensitively restored the 1,300-year-old place of worship and improved the accessibility, flexibility, and sustainability of the building.
As part of reworking and improving the Abbey’s back of house facilities, FCBStudios designed the Song School, a new, timber-lined choir practice room where up to 60 singers can rehearse. The oak-panelled room features Junckers solid 20.5mm Oak Harmony plank flooring installed by Moran Floors. The solid oak is said to further enhance the acoustics in the room, an important consideration to the abbey.
The importance of high ethical standards was a key objective for materials sourcing on the project, and FCBStudios was able to rely on Junckers’ experience in procuring sustainably sourced and manufactured material in the specification process.
Says Junckers: ‘Naturally low in carbon, a Junckers solid hardwood floor comes sustainability credentials including EPDs, FSC, PEFC, and Indoor Climate certification as well as an A+ rating in the BRE Green Guide, which played an important part in the architects’ specification.
‘The building which forms part of the UK’s architectural heritage has been updated and adapted to secure its sustainable future. Junckers flooring with its proven long lifespan, expected to last well over 60 years, the floor forms part of the design to future-proof the abbey.’
01376 534700