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Latest research by iVOX for flooring brand Quick-Step provides insights v

ACCORDING to independent research conducted by iVOX for flooring brand, Quick-Step, us Brits are a nation of loo lovers, with 85% of those surveyed preferring a loo in their bathroom. Britain’s overwhelming desire to have a toilet in the same room as the bath or shower is in contrast to other countries. Just 22% of French people have the same dream of sharing their bathroom space with the loo, but surprisingly are happier to consider relaxing in the bath alongside their washing machine (27% compared to 7% in the UK).

The research also reveals Brits like a larger bathroom, perhaps because of the need to carry out their morning routine all in one room. The Belgians are even more particular about their bathroom space, with only 31% prepared to consider a bathroom below 15sq m.

With the bathroom in the top three most important rooms in UK homes and a quarter of us seeing it as a place to completely relax, there’s a demand for a cosy atmosphere. And while two in five Brits are seeking out a relaxing bathroom space, just what this looks like varies heavily. In fact, despite our nation’s love for period properties, only 15% of us would choose a classic bathroom design, with three in 10 preferring a sleek, modern design.

Though no matter what the style, half of us think it’s important the bathroom floor is sustainable, as well as water-resistant and easy to maintain. With natural stone and wood ranked among the top three environmentally friendly flooring choices by survey respondents, it’s no surprise three in five Brits would opt for it as their choice of floor in their bathroom.

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