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Home> Modulyss <Unlock the circular economy in a new CPD from modulyss

Unlock the circular economy in a new CPD from modulyss

‘THE Circular Economy’ is a new RIBA-accredited CPD seminar from modulyss that explores what circularity means, how it’s likely to evolve and how soft floorcoverings can contribute to it.

The seminar takes a deep dive into circularity and how it can help us reduce our impact on the environment to protect our planet for future generations through sustainable specifications.

Cutting through the hype of product sustainability claims and identifying what they mean, it promises revealing and informative insight into sustainability within commercial interiors and floorcoverings.

Jose Hamp, sales director at modulyss, says: ‘There’s a lot of talk around the circular economy but with many different approaches too, it’s important for us to facilitate creating specifications that take steps in the right direction. Through the facts presented in our Circular Economy CPD we’re bringing clarity to this process and making it easy to implement meaningful changes to specifications that reduce our impact on the environment.’

Since its foundation in 2010, modulyss says it’s combined creativity, functionality, and sustainability in all of its carpet tile collections. The result is a collection of modular flooring that matches the distinctive character of a space, while providing commercial interiors with innovative, sustainable floors. This includes 28 Cradle to Cradle Certified Gold carpet tiles, which are all CO2 neutral through the CO2RE initiative.
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