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HomeNewsFix Radio’s weekly audience reaches 211,000 tradespeople

Fix Radio’s weekly audience reaches 211,000 tradespeople

FIX Radio’s weekly audience has grown to 211,294 tradespeople in the UK between June and November, according to Nielsen, an audience measurement, data and analytics firm. Nielsen also reported The Builders Station’s potential weekly audience reach had grown to 286,066 tradespeople, including those within earshot of the radio at their work site.

The report estimated that Fix Radio had a monthly reach of 290,592 across the UK, with a potential reach of 355,934 tradespeople.

The audience audit also revealed the station’s average weekly listening hours for the first time. Fix Radio had 19.8 hours of average weekly listening and 2.8 hours of average daily listening between June and November. The average weekly listening figure is one of the highest in the country, supporting Fix Radio’s belief that tradespeople have a huge appetite for radio, listening to and from work, and while onsite.

‘Fix Radio finished 2022 with a bang,’ said company ceo and founder, Louis Timpany. ‘Since going national in May, the station has gone from strength-to-strength. I’ve always believed builders are radio-mad and were crying out for their own station. The sheer amount of time they spend with Fix proves they love what they hear,’ he added.

Fix Radio, the Builders Station, has been working with Nielsen since its national launch in May to audit its tradesperson audience. The station’s targeted audience offers advertisers a cost effective, direct route to an engaged trade audience – a notoriously difficult group to target.

An initial audit of Fix Radio’ audience between June and August, put the station’s average weekly reach at 146,592. Previously, when broadcasting as a regional DAB station in London and Manchester, the radio station’s own research estimated its weekly reach at 85,000 tradespeople.
‘It’s great to get our listening hours and I’m thrilled to see they back up what we see on site every day – Fix Radio on all day. It’s a massive milestone,’ said Timpany. Fix Radio intends to release regular updates to its audience reach and hours as it continues to grow.

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