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How Covid-19 has reshaped office space design

COVID-19 has forced office spaces to adapt in a very short period of time. Despite the new vaccine, Covid-19-safe measures must remain in place.

David Rhodes, managing director of Paragon Carpet Tiles, reflects on how coronavirus has reshaped office space design:

Safe social distancing
Using flooring design to create borders and zones has become increasingly popular, to encourage space users to stay apart. All our carpet tiles can be easily lifted up and moved into a square pattern or line, to help promote safe social distancing.

Wonderful wayfinding
One-way systems have increased in use, as they can safely and clearly direct staff and visitors through the office. The latest innovations, like those in our Guide carpet tile range, provide clear instructions to help with wayfinding and remind space users of important rules and regulations.

Functional flexibility
The office must be able to change accordingly to the latest government advice. Although pedestrian flow systems and borders are useful at the moment, hopefully there will be a day when these measures are no longer needed.

When our carpet tiles are no longer required, they can simply be removed and swapped out, without the need to replace the entire flooring.

For more information about the new ‘Guide’ range, use the below contact details:
01709 763800

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