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Contractors – Put sustainability up front

How companies can make the most of Recofloor to boost business

More and more, large contractors and construction companies want to work with suppliers who are serious about sustainability. As a Recofloor member, your recycling activities are helping cut CO2 and reduce waste. But unless you tell people, they won’t know – and you could be missing out on business.

So how can you get the word out?

First, start thinking of sustainability as a key selling point rather than as just something you do. This will help you remember to include the message in sales material and when talking to potential customers. Remember too that your efforts help your customers achieve their own sustainability goals. When your messaging shows clearly how you do this, you become a more attractive option. 

Then think about to include the message within your online presence and the information you give when you bid for work. Make sure you’re taking every opportunity to demonstrate your green credentials.

Read on for a few ideas.

Website core content

  • If you have won an award add the award logo too. Ask us for the relevant logo files so you get the best quality image. Keep this information up to date – make sure you replace details of old awards with newer ones!

Base your explanation of Recofloor on the following:

Recofloor is a take-back collection and recycling service for commercial waste vinyl flooring across the UK. Founded by flooring manufacturers Altro and Polyflor, it provides an eco-friendly alternative to traditional waste disposal routes. 

As Recofloor members, we use the service both for post-installation offcuts and for smooth post-consumer vinyl. This way, the vinyl is turned into new products rather than going to landfill, reducing the project’s carbon footprint and helping us and our customers meet waste reduction targets.

To avoid the risk of Recofloor information getting out of date, keep the wording short and link to for more detail.

Useful words and terms to use could include:

Don’t overdo keywords, though – it won’t work. Focus on writing for people, not for search engines. For up-to-date information on SEO, see Google Search Essentials.

Blogs/news articles and social media

Stories and snippets about vinyl recycling projects are great for blogs, news articles, and social media posts. Once the articles are on the website, you have the opportunity to link to them from core website pages. This builds your credibility. And, of course, you can link to the blog articles from your social media posts.

Think about posting news on projects where you are recycling vinyl, and sharing details of what you are recycling and how much.

Collecting Altro or Polyflor materials? Include and tag the brand name and Recofloor. Let us know about the piece – it could earn you extra publicity from Recofloor or from the brands themselves.

Won a Recofloor award? That’s definitely worth a news article. But make sure you also put the logo on your home/about page, so the information stays visible when the news article is no longer current.

Tag @Recofloor in your social media.

Need help creating an article about Recofloor? Ask us!


When you’re tendering for business, always include information on your Recofloor activities. See specifying Recofloor in bids for ideas on how to do this.

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