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Distributors – How to use your website effectively to promote your Recofloor drop-off point and boost your sustainability credentials

As a Recofloor drop-off point host, you know that providing the service strengthens your business. So it makes sense to use your website to give helpful information to users and to promote the service to potential new users.

You also know that the drop-off point is helping cut CO2 and reduce waste. As more and more people want to buy from suppliers with green credentials, your efforts are worth shouting about.

Website core content

  • Add the Recofloor logo to your home page with a link to If you’ve won an award, add the award logo too. Ask us for the relevant logo files so you get the best quality image. Keep this information up to date – make sure you replace details of old awards with newer ones!
  • Wherever you list your key selling points (probably on either your home or your about page), add a section on sustainability and include mention of the drop-off point. If you’re involved in lots of sustainability initiatives, it’s worth creating a separate sustainability page you can link to from here for the full details.

Base your explanation of Recofloor on the following:

Recofloor is a collection and recycling service for commercial waste vinyl flooring across the UK and in NI. Founded by flooring manufacturers Altro and Polyflor, it provides an eco-friendly alternative to traditional waste disposal routes. 

As Recofloor members, we run a drop-off point (link to a separate drop-off point page; see below) where contractors can bring waste vinyl for collection by Recofloor. We also recycle our own roll-ends this way.

The vinyl is then turned into new products rather than going to landfill, cutting carbon use and helping us and our customers meet waste reduction targets.

To avoid the risk of Recofloor information getting out of date, keep the wording short and link to for more detail.

  • If you do create a separate sustainability page, include it in your main menu. Don’t tuck it away where no one will find it.
  • Consider search engine optimisation (SEO) and the use of relevant keywords and phrases. If you have a good chunk of content talking about your sustainable approach – particularly if it’s a dedicated Sustainability page – there’s a good chance that people searching online for a distributor with green credentials will find you.

Useful words and terms could include:

  • Sustainable flooring
  • Vinyl recycling
  • Waste vinyl collection
  • Vinyl flooring recycling
  • Recofloor drop off-point [your location]

Don’t overdo keywords, though – it won’t work. Focus on writing for people, not for search engines. For up-to-date information on SEO, see Google Search Essentials.

  • Create a Recofloor waste vinyl drop-off point page for contractors, to serve two purposes: to attract new contractors to sign up, and to give useful information to those already using the scheme.

Sample drop-off point page wording:

Vinyl recycling: Save money and help the environment

We operate a Recofloor waste vinyl drop-off point for contractors. If you are a contractor with small volumes of waste, you can bring it here for free disposal.  The material is then collected by Recofloor and recycled into new products.

Using the drop-off point

It’s easy to use the drop-off point.

  1. Sign up with Recofloor (it’s free)
  2. Pick up clear sacks from our trade counter or order from Recofloor
  3. Fill sacks with waste vinyl, keeping offcuts separate from uplifted
  4. Drop sacks off next time you are passing – check signs on our bins/bags to make sure you put the waste in the correct place

Also give information such as how to find the drop-off point (if not obvious) and if you offer pickups for them when delivering.

Types of vinyl we accept

If you accept the full range of vinyl that meets the Recofloor specification, say

We take clean commercial vinyl offcuts from safety, smooth, loose lay and LVT plus smooth uplifted with no more than 3mm of adhesive.

If you don’t accept the full range, say

We take [types accepted]

Contactors with [types of vinyl from the list above that you don’t take] can contact Recofloor directly for advice about disposal.

Find out more about Recofloor and get started

To find out more and sign up to start using the drop-off point, see Contractors – How it works – Recofloor

If you run bacon butty events (where we come to help promote the scheme to contractors), you could list your next one here too. But remember to keep the list up to date!

  • Check the website info and links regularly to make sure everything is up to date and current. Old information and broken links turn potential customers away.

Blogs/news articles and social media

Stories and snippets about how contractors are using the drop-off point are great for blogs, news articles and social media. You can welcome new contractors and congratulate users on their efforts, as well as reporting on the total volume collected thanks to their involvement. And, of course, you can promote and report on bacon butty or trade events. You can then link to these from the drop-off point page to encourage potential new users.

Seeing substantial quantities of Altro or Polyflor waste? Include the brand name in your articles and posts and let us know – it could earn you extra publicity from Recofloor or from the brands themselves.

Won a Recofloor award? That’s definitely worth a news article. But make sure you put the logo on your home/about page too, so the information stays visible when the news article is no longer current.

Tag @Recofloor in your social media.

Need help creating an article? Ask us!


When you’re tendering for business, always include information on your Recofloor activities. See specifying Recofloor in bids for ideas on how to do this.

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