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HomeArturoIntroducing the new arturo Colour Collection a range of seamless resin floors...

Introducing the new arturo Colour Collection a range of seamless resin floors inspired by nature

Flora and fauna are bursting with colour and energy, but at the same time our organic environment can also help us rest and relax. That is why arturo have chosen nature as the inspiration for our latest arturo Colour Collection, a range of 6 colour palettes which all have their own unique design inspired by the Earths different landscapes and environments.  For example “Arctic” embraces cool and tranquil colours to instil a feeling of space and light whereas the shades within “Rockies” are more subdued, with striking and strong hues.  Each distinctive style consists of different solid colours, ‘concrete look’ effect or decorative flake designs. Free flooring samples from the arturo Colour Collection are available to clients when finalising colour selection.

As experts in flooring and colours, arturo understands how natural shades and tones can influence the ambiance and feeling of a room or space. If you need help with designing a floor the arturo Studio can assist you and your clients. The floors within the arturo Colour Collection are suitable for most locations such as homes, offices and other commercial spaces but if you have any questions about any practicalities arturo can provide help, advice and assistance with specifications.

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