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Home> Anglo Recycling <ANGLO Recycling's eco-friendly flame-retardant underlay: Made from recycled fibre in Lancashire

ANGLO Recycling’s eco-friendly flame-retardant underlay: Made from recycled fibre in Lancashire

ANGLO Recycling’s flame-retardant underlay is made from fibre recycled in Lancashire, says the company. Its ‘classic contract FR underlay is made from 70% hessian fibres and 30% wool rich RCF’.

At the front end of the factory arrive bales of carpet offcuts from local carpet manufacturers such as Penthouse Carpets and Brockway Carpets and hessian sacks from the UK’s mass of artisan coffee roasters. These are then ready for fibre recycling on two huge production lines. The first was built in 2012 and the second opened last year.

In autumn 2022 Anglo completed commissioning of its second recycling line. This means it no longer needs to bring in hessian fibres from the big European mills.

Owner Simon Macaulay comments: ‘We discovered that just bringing in hessian fibres from Europe was putting about five tonnes a year of CO2 into the atmosphere. That’s the effect of huge trucks bringing fibre bales from across Europe.

‘We now work with the multitude of coffee roasters across the UK. They’re very interested in finding a way for their sacks to be reused. Our specially designed hessian recycling line allows the fibre to have a second life in our carpet underlays and other products.’

‘So, the incoming bales can be processed through our recycling lines to recover the usable fibre.
Then on the same site, in the beautiful Rossendale valley, Anglo’s giant needle-punch machines convert the fibre into rolls of premium carpet underlay.’

Simon concludes: ‘Our underlays, as you’d expect, meet the technical standards (BS 5808/BS 4790) but more importantly offer outstanding acoustic and thermal performance, making them ideal for pubs and hotels.’
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