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Rawson Carpet Solutions elevate grammar school with innovative riven and earth creation carpet tile designs

THE Royal Grammar School High Wycombe’s’ vision is ‘to offer students an exceptional all-round education’. Recent refurbishment works have been completed to the sixth form block using Rawson Carpet Solutions. Complementing the education spaces
are two designer structured nylon carpet tile product ranges from Rawson, Riven and
Earth Creation.

Says the company: ‘For the classrooms, in two colours with familiar yarns, RIVEN,
in planks have been used to great effect. The subtle but alive grey tones allow for the
true effect of the structuring in the plank to show through. Matching yarns in the range allow for different colours to be used together sinuously when desired.

‘Riven is manufactured carbon neutral and is a newer design range from Rawson
Carpet Solutions, providing the classroom with a modern and natural inspired uplift
to the space. Riven is a structured and flowing design offering biophilic interpretations.

‘The range is based on nature’s materials and raw construction finishes, offering only naturally inspired colours including forest greens and watery blues. The nylon carpet tile and plank range have LC1 luxury class rating.’

The company continues: ‘The carpet tiles and planks were installed by Mill Flooring
and both carpet tile solutions offer Class 33 rating for heavy traffic along with castor
chair tested accreditation. The second carpet tile range used is Earth Creation, a new product design from Rawson. Earth Creation is designed to provide a lightly structured solution with familiar yarns running through the colour pallette, allowing for the smooth transition of colour.

‘Here a single colour tile was tessellated to good effect. Inspired by the natural surface of the founding materials of planets, Earth Creation offers a natural aesthetic with suggestions of meteoric rocks and dust coming together in space.

‘The range provides design freedom, with each swatch conveying a differing
structure. Laid broadloom, brick-bond or tessellated, Earth Creation carpet tiles complement the space.’

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