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Stroolmount: This LVT mistake could cost you £1000s

IF you specify, supply or help customers choose LVTs, this article could save you a fortune, says Stroolmount.

If you’re a retailer, e-tailer, an architect, interior designer, fitter, or contractor – whether you’re refurbishing a home or a commercial premises or even a school or university, this advice could save you a heap of headaches and a ton of money. If you’re in the hospitality trade, whether you’re a bar or restaurant, café or club, hotel or wedding venue, it could be the difference between success and bankruptcy, says the company.

Many folk make this fundamental LVT flooring mistake: they fail to protect their investment. Because vinyl flooring is like your favourite vinyl records, one scratch and there’s no going back. Even the best and hardwearing vinyl can get scratched, scraped, or scarred in a second, no matter how expensive. Damage can happen in a flash when installing flooring and moving furniture during cleaning, a refurbishment, or reconfiguring a room layout for an event. And damage can happen every day from stiletto heels and from chairs scraping back and forth. It’s so easy to happen and so easy to prevent, says Stroolmount.

The hidden costs of LVT damage
You could bear the brunt of health and safety trip issues for the damaged flooring, angry customers, an even angrier boss, profits wiped out, extra paperwork, repair hassles, delays to your next job; plus, the excess to pay and hikes in next year’s insurance premiums. That’s a whole heap of problems that could be avoided with simple, low-cost protection, says the company.

‘Our family-run firm has been helping to protect the trade and their customers since 2007. Based in Wigan, we serve the whole of the UK and Ireland’s flooring and furniture trade with various specialist protection products,’ says the company.

‘With flooring protection from 1p, Stroolmount safeguards your floor, your furniture, your back and your business,’ says Gill Finch, Stroolmount’s managing director: ‘The trade and customers invest a fortune in quality vinyl flooring and fine furniture, so it makes sense to spend a few pence protecting it and creating genuine customer goodwill. It’s a no-brainer – we’ve saved businesses £1000s in repairs, but our protection products cost as little as 1p.’

For the LVT trade, there’s said to be three main protection solutions:

Self-adhesive felt
Self-adhesive felt is described by the company as a short-term high-quality, anti-scratch solution to cushion flooring from heavy furniture. It comes in 15-75mm circles, plus oblong or L-shape – or on rolls for as little as 1p each. It’s also said to protect furniture legs, plus protects ears from chair scraping.

‘Unlike many others,’ says Gill, ‘ours is a hefty 5mm thick felt to give you better protection. Plus, they’ve an extra strong adhesive, so when it’s stuck on, it stays in place.’

Quickclick glides are said to be a ‘multi-award-winning long-term solution’ exclusive to Stroolmount, says the company. With one interchangeable click-in glide system, it’s said to protect four types of flooring including, carpet, wood and laminate and tiled floors. The company adds: ‘There’s also an anti-slip version, so if any furniture needs moving to a room with different flooring, a protection glide for that floor type can be just clicked in.’ Quickclick also protects ears, reducing noise by up to 75%, says the company.

Roch Castle and Penrhiw Hotel, in Pembrokeshire, Wales were delighted with the product. They said: ‘Quickclick ensures we protect our beautiful wooden and marble floors from irreparable damage and allow easy movement of furniture.’

Move-it Pads
Whenever you have to shift heavy furniture and you want to protect your vinyl flooring, Move-it Pads are the quick and easy answer for the flooring trade and customers at home, says the company.

Move-it Pads are described as a temporary, reusable solution so heavy furniture slides like ice across carpet and hard floors, and there’s a special self-adhesive felt option for vinyl flooring.
Gill says: ‘See online how I used Move-it Pads to slide a heavy sideboard around like it’s a dance partner.’

She adds: ‘Selling the felt, glides and Move-it Pads in packets at the checkout, gives retailers and e-retailers an opportunity to earn add-on sales, as well as to clients you’ve sold flooring to already, so the next time you’re thinking about LVT, think about how you can protect your flooring, furniture, back and your business with protection from just 1p.’

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