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How do pre-bagged flowing screeds and smoothing compounds allow contractors to finish a project quicker?

Using pre-bagged flowing screeds and smoothing compounds allow contractors to make time savings at different stages. When it comes to application, pre-bagged flowing screeds and smoothing compounds can be applied via a pump which can offer up to 90% time saving when compared to the labour involved with traditional sand and cement. By applying pre-bagged products with a pump, contractors can cover up to 1,000sq m per day which equates to applying 3-4 tonnes per hour.

Prebagged materials can also offer a much quicker drying time. Sand and cement screed takes a very long time to dry – about 1mm per day – so in a commercial environment a 75mm sand and cement screed could take over two months to become dry enough for covering under normal conditions. In comparison, some pre-bagged products can be ready to be covered in as little as a few hours.

Traditional methods also need a minimum thickness of 65mm when used on a floating floor. That’s 40mm more than some pre-bagged products which only require a minimum of 25mm on a floating floor and, depending on the product, can take foot traffic in three-to-four hours.

Not only do pre-bagged products allow contractors to finish a project quicker, but it also means other trades can get on with their work and the building users can get in earlier, so the whole supply chain will see the benefit of these time savings.
Adam Schreiber, flooring product manager

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