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Training helps individuals to acquire new skills

Shane elaborates on the benefits of training.

TRAINING is an essential aspect of personal and professional development. It plays a significant role in enhancing the skills, knowledge, and competencies of individuals, which in turn helps them to achieve their goals and objectives. Training is not only important for individuals but also a great benefit for organisations. It helps them to improve the performance of their teams and departments and increases their overall productivity.

One of the most significant advantages of training is it helps individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge. With the fast-paced changes happening in the industry today, individuals need to keep themselves updated with the latest trends and technological advancements in their respective fields. Training provides individuals with the opportunity to learn new techniques and methods, which can be applied to their work to improve their knowledge base and skill set.

But it is not just learning new skills that training can provide. Another important aspect of training is it helps individuals to build on their existing skills and competencies. Training can provide individuals with the opportunity to practice and perfect their skills, build confidence in their own abilities, and deepen their understanding on subjects.

The development of individuals with new skills and knowledge and building on their existing attributes helps to improve performance and productivity. This, in turn, can lead to increased job satisfaction and motivation, as individuals feel more confident and competent in their work.

In addition to individual benefits, training is also essential for organisations. It helps them to improve their overall performance and productivity by enhancing the skills and knowledge of their teams and departments. Understanding team dynamics, the benefits of collaborative working and the importance of promoting a diverse and inclusive working environment have proven effective ways of building high performing teams. When employees and teams are given the opportunity and support needed to build on their personal attributes along with training on how to build effective teams, they become more efficient, effective, confident, and productive in their work, which leads to increased team performance and results in improved profitability and growth for the organisation.

Training also plays a crucial role in employee retention. When employees feel their organisation is investing in their personal and professional development, they’re more likely to remain with the company for extended periods. Reduced employee turnover is vital when building individual skills, attributes and critical to developing a team. Losing employees can be costly and time consuming for businesses.

In conclusion, training is an essential aspect of personal and professional development of people and teams. It provides individuals with the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge, develop their existing skills and competencies, and improve their overall performance. For organisations, training helps to improve productivity, profitability, and employee retention, therefore, investing in training is a wise decision for individuals and organisations.

Come along for some training with Bostik. Its free to attend, lunch is provided, and spend the day with our training manager Paul Sycamore for hints, tips and much more. Email to get booked onto the free space.
Shane Moore, technical consultant at Bostik

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