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Home> Junckers <Junckers | Can you afford not to use solid hardwood floors?

Junckers | Can you afford not to use solid hardwood floors?

CAN you afford not to use solid hardwood floors? That’s the question from Junckers.

Says the company: ‘A floor made in solid hardwood is strong and durable. There are no layers of inferior quality; no glue or harmful chemical substances which can adversely affect the air in a room – nothing but real, natural wood through and through.

‘With a lifespan of 60 years plus, the longevity and lifecycle cost of a good quality solid wood floor are second to none. This means less waste management and ultimately, lower demands on natural resources. In comparison, an engineered wood floor has significantly more embodied energy and uses greater quantities of glue and resin.’

Hardwood is a natural, bio-degradable, and recyclable material and it is non-hazardous when disposed of. Says Junckers: ‘Most other flooring types will not last as long, which puts greater pressure on landfill as well as challenges in terms of chemical release during disposal. For example, a solid wood floor has a lifespan four times that of an engineered floor, meaning the total amount of energy used for solid wood floors is further reduced as one solid wood floor is manufactured for every four engineered floors.’

The company concludes: ‘Many floor finishes will have to be stripped out and disposed of after 10 years or less. At roughly the same interval, a Junckers solid hardwood floor can be sanded and sealed to give it a new lease of life. A structural floor, usually with a thickness of 20mm+, can be sanded between eight and 10 times, which means a lifespan of 60 years is comfortably exceeded.’
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