Contract Flooring Journal (CFJ) the latest news for flooring contractors

Floorstock joins forces with Whiteriver Group to expand and strengthen its UK presence

FLOORSTOCK which describes itself as one of the best-known names in the industry for accessories and finishes for wood flooring, is looking ahead to...

Brave new future ahead for Floorstock

Floorstock, one of the best-known names in the industry for accessories and finishes for wood...

Whiteriver Group takes majority shareholding in Floorstock

IT’s been announced that Whiteriver Group, as of 23 July 2024, has taken a majority...

Floorstock: trusted by trades professionals UK-wide

You’ll find more than flooring supplies when you shop with Floorstock Ltd. We’re a wood...

Floorstock is a national distributor for leading brands

FLOORSTOCK has been associated with wood floor finishing products for more than 12 years, and...

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