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HomeCFA CommentCFA seeks support for guidance document on Installation of Laminate Flooring

CFA seeks support for guidance document on Installation of Laminate Flooring

The CFA is pleased to be working with the Wood Panel Industries Federation (WPIF) and the National Institute of Carpet and Floorlayers (NICF) on a joint project to produce some new guidance on the installation of laminate flooring.

This project has come about following the withdrawal of CEN TS 14472-3 and BS8425:2003 and industry recognising that guidance on installation of laminate flooring is still required. A working group has been established via the main CFA manufacturers/distributors committee, with Ian Rochester (Technical Affairs Manager) of the WPIF as Chair/Editor. Two meetings of the working group have already taken place but it has become clear that we need some additional support from industry to progress with the document. Expertise on underlays, underfloor heating, and installation are areas of importance and so if this is something you feel you can help with please contact

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